Good Neighbors

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TAGS: neighbors

‘Think thy neighbor as thy thyself’ is the scriptural saying. Our holy Prophet(pbuh) has again and again emphasized the good relations to be maintained with neighbors; to take them as your own kith and kin. This is possible only when we are friendly, forgiving and compromising in nature, it is not as though our neighbor also is of that nature. It seldom happens and one is placed in a very difficult situation particularly in congested localities and tenements, where the neighbors are required to share the common facilities. The acute shortage of water supply to tenements would be a bone of contention. Like wise the privacy is invaded by neighbors and much of our private affairs come to the knowledge of the neighbors. Like wise their affairs also come to our knowledge. Hence these private affairs should not be disclosed to any one. One should not pry on the affairs of our neighbors and keep our eyes and ears shut on any untoward happenings. It is only then good neighborly relations can be maintained. Creating noise pollution by switching on TV, radio at high pitch. Talking loudly ruins good neighborly relations. Rearing pets should also not cause annoyance and nuisance to neighbors. When you enter a neighbor’s house alert them by ring the bell and saluting and ‘salaaming’ them.

Neighbors can become best of friends or worst of enemies. Maintaining good relationship with humility, tolerance and goodness is a great strength than any weakness. Many an one pick up quarrels, dissentions on very petty and minor issues escalating into quarrels, and long standing misunderstanding ruining relationship and many more neighbors joining issues. Sometimes the matter takes a law and order situation leading to interference of police and courts. This can add up to the mounting tension in the personal life thus ruining health, happiness and joy in life.

Neighbors have rights that is right of way, right of air, water, parking facility besides having right of privacy. These are fundamental rules and its observation is a must for maintaining good and healthy relationship in the neighborhood. Only when good neighborly relationships are maintained, brotherhood and peace is cultivated and nurtured; which is the aim of Islam.

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